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Wessex association of educators in ENT

Many otolaryngology clinicians working within the Wessex region have an interest in clinical education. The association has been formed (April 2023) to bring these educators together and provide an environment to support and develop ENT educational projects.

WexEd ENT Committee Members

Our Constitution

The Wessex Association of ENT Educators is a not-for-profit, unincorporated association to bring together clinicians involved in Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) education within the Wessex deanery. 


Aims and Objectives:

The aim of the association is to facilitate ENT education within the Wessex deanery and surrounding area through the provision of courses and other educational projects. 


Specific objectives include:

  1. Delivery of the “Wessex Introduction to ENT” course three times per year (April, August, December). 

  2. Maintenance of a Wessex ENT education website containing details of educational projects and courses. 


Annual General Meeting (AGM):

The AGM will take place once per year in April and can be held virtually or face to face. It must be attended by all committee members and is open to all association members. Projects and courses funded by the association must be discussed at the AGM.



Membership of the association will be free and open to all clinicians interested in ENT education. They must be working at a hospital within the Wessex area (Southampton, Portsmouth, Salisbury, Winchester, Bournemouth/Poole, Dorchester). Medical students, nurses and other allied health care professionals are also welcome. Membership will be accepted by registration on the course website and details of members will be kept by the secretary. Members will be allowed to bring to the committee ideas for new educational projects. 


For details of the full constitution please contact us. 

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Become a member of WexED ENT!

Membership to The Wessex Association of Educators in ENT (WexEd ENT) is open to all clinicians working within the Wessex region with an interest in otolaryngology teaching and training. As a member you will have access to funding and support for educational projects. Please let us know if you have any bright ideas to discuss! 

Thanks for submitting!

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